March 01, 2012

Life Movements

March 1st, 2012 - Refinanced the house yesterday - Got a very good deal from an awesome lender. If you're ever in the need for a good lender, talk to Mike Lyons @ Embrace Home Loans. He hooked me up with 3 loans over the past year as we bought and refinanced property. He's a good worker, and is always there to answer questions - and he'll go out of his way to find answers when he doesn't know them. I emailed him at 11:30 one evening, and he answered within a minute. Other times, he'd reply "I'm at dinner, but I'll get back to you later this evening.." - hardest working man in the home mortgage industry. Seriously - no jokes here.

Shaved off the beard last night for spring. Baby face me has a double chin again - time to hit the exer-bikes and the Zumba routines on the Wii.

Turned the water on at the house and the back deck water attachment at the house came loose. I had to turn the spigot off again. We crawled under the back deck and got spider webs all over ourselves trying to figure out what happened. Looks like it's attached to an extension of the water line in a rubber hose attachment, and the connection came loose - maybe expansion/contraction from the winter. I'll have to climb under there with my gardening clothes this weekend.

I've got to cut out 2 6'x6' areas for the garden this weekend - it's going to be a lot of digging, but the neighbor has a roto-tiller he said I could use to get it started. We planted seedlings for lettuce and cabbage and they're already sprouting like mad 5 days later. The race is ON!

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