March 16, 2005

SurfJunky Update III

Surf Junky appears to be non-operational this morning. Last stats I received was last night:

Activity Points: 96
Payment rate: $0.45 per hour
Hours spent surfing: 158.63

Your earnings: $71.42

This morning - image links on their server are not working and their home page states that "Surf Junky is experiencing some unexpected downtime." If I were a gambling man - I'd give 50-50 odds that they're gone (they should not have had to disappear until 15Apr before not paying thats why 50-50 odds). No more Surf Junky updates until at least 15 Apr...I'll let you know if I get paid, but don't hold your breath, I'm not going to...

UPDATE: Update to the update - they appear to be back online this afternoon...

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